Located in the 12 Sail Ave Armstrong Creek, our centre will immediately connect with the local community, providing opportunities for excursions, incursions and creating a place where everyone is supported to make a difference. With Early Childhood Teachers employed, the education and journey will be seamless between childcare, Kindergarten and formal schooling
Located in a quiet court in Armstrong Creek but also close by to the Surf Cost Highway, Jenny’s ELC is a bright and beautiful purpose built centre. Featuring stunning floor-to-ceiling windows that open to a spacious outdoor play area, our childcare centre is thoughtfully designed to inspire a passion for learning and excitement in every child.
Small group sizes for all ages including a small purpose built nursery provide opportunities for strong relationship building as we learn and play with our passionate educators.
Located in the main street of Armstrong Creek and set between two heritage listed buildings as part of the Children’s Hub Bunbanarik, Jenny’s ELC is a bright and beautiful purpose built centre. Small group sizes provide opportunities for strong relationship building with our passionate educators.
We take every opportunity to explore their community through community outings. Close relationships to the local Primary Schools provide opportunities for collaboration, and smooth transitions from Early Childhood to Primary Education.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et
This program incorporates skill-building and social skill development that prepares your child for the transition to a school program.
Our program supports each child’s confidence and aids in the comfortable adjustment into Kindergarten and formal schooling.
The centre is designed with cool, calm colours as a place where children and families feel like a home away from home.
We love fresh produce. We use locally-sourced ingredients to prepare meals that are nutritious, fresh and delicious with varieties that considers the needs of each child including allergies.
Our team genuinely cares, we invest in making sure you have tailored modern learning environments and the most dedicated professionals to educate and care for your children.
Not sure what to do on your child’s first day?
Check out the resources we have to answer all your questions!
The Armstrong Creek Centre is opening November 18 – below are some photos of our other amazing centres!